• Branchenfoto PSI Software für die Elektronikbranche

ERP + MES Software for Electronics

Electronics solutions are our passion

Screenshots aus PSIpenta ERP

Intuitive functions for the electronics industry:

  • Order management for processes in the electronics industry:
    ERP provider with profound industry expertise in manufacturing
  • Well-developed finite capacity scheduler for detail planning:
    Detailed planning of production orders and growing bills of materials
  • Intelligent planning using AI:
    Adaptive planning makes optimum use of available materials and production capacities
  • Platform for modifiable production:
    Adapt processes and interfaces yourself, extremely quickly and easily
  • Powerful variant management:
    Manage your customized product designs—including cost accounting
  • Quality Management:
    Industry-standard testing and complete traceability of batch and serial numbers
  • Multisite for the electronics industry:
    Multi-plant control system enables planning across multiple sites

Industry Solutions for Electronics

[Translate to English:] Screenshot Modul Adaptive Lieferterminermittlung

Adaptive Delivery Schedule Calculation

[Translate to English:] Modul-Icon PSIpenta ERP Adaptive Lieferterminermittlung

The availability of materials and capacity are fully factored in using the BOM structure for all orders. This means that a balance between customer requirements and the current production and delivery situation can always be ensured for Sales.

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[Translate to English:] Screenshot Modul Betriebsdatenerfassung

Shop Floor Data Collection

[Translate to English:] Modul-Icon PSIpenta ERP Betriebsdatenerfassung

The ideal tool for this is a shop-floor data collection system that not only guarantees prompt, user-friendly, and error-free data collection; it also immediately checks the results for plausibility and automatically transfers them to the applicable management software. Shop-floor data collection ensures that data for production is available where it is needed without the need for manual input; it can then be processed directly.

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advanced scheduling and monitoring auf Tabletbildschirm

Finite Capacity Scheduler

Icon Leitstand

As it can be coupled with any ERP system, PSIpenta/Advanced Scheduling & Monitoring goes significantly further than conventional control center solutions. Apart from an individually definable “frozen zone” and planning against limited capacities, this planning tool also offers a variety of simulation options which can be extended as required using AI.

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[Translate to English:] Screenshot Modul Multisite


Icon Multisite

Plants can be combined into one central area for financial accounting/cost accounting. Alongside cross-plant logistical and commercial processes, establishing centralized services for sales and procurement serves as an additional means of ensuring that commercial requirements are handled securely and effectively.

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Screenshot Modul Qualitätsmanagement

Quality Management

[Translate to English:] Modul-Icon PSIpenta ERP Qualitätsmanagement

ERP software provides companies with a central database and complete traceability, making it ideal for building efficient quality assurance processes with low error rates. The integrated Quality Management ERP module from PSI is used to record, manage, and evaluate quality features for measurement and inspection-related tasks in production and purchasing.

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Experiences with PSIpenta

Johannes Hainzl, Digital Elektronik

« Apart from supporting numerous processes, one of the essential advantages of the ERP MES solution is having an integrated perspective of capacity requirements and entries from a single system. »


Johannes Hainzl
Digital Elektronik GmbH

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The following might also be of interest for you:

Do you want to further optimize your logistics?
Alongside their actual production processes, manufacturing companies can become even more efficient by optimizing their logistics. This requires precise logistics for materials, starting with optimized delivery planning—taking into account transport volumes—through flexible approaches in bottleneck situations and the requisite access to new incoming goods.

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AI optimization
Qualicision® technology optimizes production processes in which order sequencing is organized in line with variable target criteria by optimizing each of these criteria in turn. This sequencing is also automatically adapted to changes in the logistics conditions or to the optimization target criteria.

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Your Contact

[Translate to English:] Ansprechpartnerin PSIpenta ERP und MES

Gabriele Kamphoff

Image Brochure

We compressed even more compact information in our image brochure for you.

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